Videos on Broadway
Videos on Broadway = window and sidewalk projections at Union Square in New York City showcasing contemporary video
Videos on Broadway is a project that showcases contemporary video to a diverse audience in New York City. Videos on Broadway provides emerging artists an urban location and video monitors to show their video art. Using a glass front building on the famous/ infamous street of Broadway, we give both the artist and the public a unique and free experience to contemporary new media. Depending upon the artist and their work, the glass front display changes to show the work in the best way possible.
We show new work by artists from around the world by putting out calls on the internet via Art Blogs, such “Susan and Kurt” and by invitation. The artists in "Videos on Broadway" use film and video to reflect their personal interpretations of social, political, psychological and spiritual themes. Their work suggests the complexity and layered nuances of compelling contemporary ideas that would otherwise be difficult to capture in more traditional media.
This is an open call —— it could be your chance to be on Broadway. Email me with a link for review if you have some short works for consideration.
Support for this project provided by the Wexner Center for Arts Program, The Ohio State University.
©2010 Susan Shaw